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538 lines
Info Shareware
Manu TOO
Copyright GOTO Informatique - 1997
Web site: http://www.tenniselbow.com
1. Introduction
2. The Shareware
3. Menus & Game
4. Keys & Known Problems
5. Conclusion
* 1. Introduction *
Tennis Elbow is a tennis game in SVGA with digital sounds and
exceptional graphics. To configure the game on your PC, launch 'SETUP.EXE'
after all files are installed on your hard drive.
The minimum system requirements are:
- PC Compatible 486 or higher,
- 8 Mb of RAM
- SVGA card,
- Sound Card like Sound Blaster(c)
(=optional, the game works without a sound card)
- 550 Kb of conventional memory,
- 2500 Kb of XMS free,
- 400 Kb on your hard drive to have sound digits,
- 1 Mb extra to play a double (4 players),
- Mouse or Keyboard or Joystick (1 or 2) to play.
The minimum configuration for Tennis Elbow is:
- 486DX2-80
- 8 Mb of RAM
- 2 Mb of Smartdrive
- Fast SVGA card
- Sound Blaster card + Wave Table card
- Numeric joystick, like Gravis Gamepad
Windows 3.x and 95:
If you have problems with Tennis Elbow because your machine is not
powerfull enough, the better is to start the game in MS-DOS mode:
- Under Windows 3.x:
Quit Windows 3.1x by entering Alt+F4 in the program manager, then go to
Tennis Elbow's directory from the MS-DOS prompt, and launch Tennis.Exe;
- Under Windows 95:
Restart your computer in MS-Dos mode, then go to Tennis Elbow's directory,
and launch Tennis.Exe;
Key Features:
- 60 frames per second on a PC 486DX2-80 VLB
- 20 sprites per striked animations
- The crowd follows the ball during a point & applauds at the end of each
- Line judges say the faults and point the balls on the lines
.Tournament (options not available in the shareware version):
- 95 tournaments
- Team Cup
- 250 registered players
- Ranking
- Best games of the 12 last months
.Miscelleanous (some options only in the complete version):
- 5 grounds: clay, cement, grass, indoor, synthetic
- 2 players with changing colors (skin, hair, T-Shirt, ...)
- 4 different game styles: Single, Dirty up, Dirty down, Double
- 5 levels of difficulty
* 2. Shareware *
Tennis Elbow exists in 2 versions:
The complete version:
The complete version is the full game version with all the above
mentioned features. If you would like to receive this version, you should
fill the order form (see Order.txt) and send it back to us or purchase it
directly from one of our retailers. To know the name of the closest retailer
from you please email to contact@goto.fr or consult Tennis Elbow Web site at
The shareware version:
The shareware is a version of the game which is not complete, free of
charge which allows you to evaluate the software. If you often play and/or if
you want to have all advantages of the complete version, you will have to
purchase the complete version.
You may have a copy of the version on your hard disk or on floppies
only to test it. You cannot sell this version, neither can you replicate it
without GOTO Software's authorization. You must not change any files of this
version for your own use.
Tennis Elbow Shareware cannot be diffused or distributed on any
CD-ROM, or on any support without the editor's legal authorization.
If you would like to diffuse this shareware version, please read the
attached file vendor.txt or contact us directly by email at contact@goto.fr
or by fax +33 (0)3 20 66 55 09.
Any diffusion on the Internet is completely illegal without the
authorization of GOTO Software.
* 3. Menus & Play *
In the menus:
You control the little yellow ball which rotates using the device
you have chosen (Joystick/Keyboard/Mouse).
Bring this ball on an icon and click on the button n°1 (of your mouse/
joystick) or on ALT to go to the next menu.
When the ball is on a icon, its description appears in the bottom box.
- shift + F5: Decrease the sound volume
- shift + F6: Increase the sound voulume
- shift + F7: Decrease the music volume
- shift + F8: Increase the music volume
- Back: To return to the previous menu; click on the button n°2 or on the
BackSpace Key to have the equivalent of "Back".
- Quit: To return to DOS; click on "Escape" to have the same impact.
In the main menu:
- Quick Play: to start quickly a game, with either the default
criteria or your own ones.
- World Tour: to enter the World tournaments and be ranked.
(not available on the shareware)
- Thanks & Credits: guess!
In the "Quick Play" menu:
- Play: to launch the game with the saved options.
- Characters info: to change the player's info.
- Play Option: to choose the ground, the set number, the number of
player and if a side change occurs during the match or not.
NOTE : There is only one ground in the shareware version : grass!
- Play Style: to choose between do a warm-up and a match.
NOTE: to play by modem or via a local network: buy the complete
In the character menu:
- Click on the characteristics to change them.
You can view the details in the message box at the bottom of your
screen. You can change the color of T-Shirt, Short, Cuffs, Hairs
and Skin. You can choose between right-handed and left-handed
player and between two players'profile. Just click on the
character to change his features.
NOTE: to change the player's profile, you should have the complete
- Statistics: To see the statistics of the player's career.
- Human/CPU: To choose between human control and CPU control.
- Defender/puncher/varied/volleyer: To choose the play style.
- Load/save: To load and save a game or a player's characteristics.
Available strikes during the game:
Joystick/mouse Keyboard
b1 = Left Button / ALT
b2 = Right Button / CTRL
up/down = movement of / Up arrow
your mouse or / Down arrow
joystick /
b1 = normal strike b2 = secured strike
b1+b2 = acceleration b1 + up = short ball
b2 + up = slice b1 + down = lift
b2 + down = defended lob b1+b2+up = drop shot
b1+b2+down = fighting lob
Up and down are inverted when you control the player who is on the top of the
How we are playing?
.Move and strike:
With a joystick or mouse:
When you do not press a button, swirl the Joystick in all directions
to run where you want, or move your mouse in all directions.
When you push on a button, your player move slowly to the ideal
position, more you push the Joystick on the left (or the right), more the
ball will go to the left (or the right).
-==>> You must maintain the button pushed when you strike the ball <<==-
When you do not give a special direction, the ball goes to the center on the
opposite ground.
At the volley, when the ball passes away from your player, push on
a button (any of them) so that he will jump toward the ball.
To do a crossed strike in the opposite direction of your run, stop
your run before you strike.
It means that you have to stop pressing the button (or the stick)
which allows to run, before you press the button (or the buttons) which
commands the strike.
With a keyboard:
To move your player, you can use the arrow keys or the keys you
determined during the setup.
If you try to move your player while you hit the ALT or CTRL keys,
he will not move att all!
The service is executed with the same method than the other strikes,
with the difference that whatever is the buttons combination, a push-up causes
a slice and a push-down causes a lift. You can move your player to the left
or to the right so you can find a special angle for your service. The
quicklier the ball leaves your racket, the greater the imprecision will be:
- at 175 km/h: the imprecision is negligible
- at 195 km/h: the imprecision is of 15 cm
- at 215 km/h: the imprecision is of 30 cm
Player 1's score is written in the up slots of the score
blackboard, and player 2's score is written in the down slots. If the
little ball is in the up slot, then player 1 serves, otherwise player 2
will serve.
.Ball Trace:
In the Very Easy, Easy and Medium Difficulties (option in the World
tournaments or when playing a quick game against a CPU player), the impact of
the ball on the ground during the service is marked before the ball hits the
ground in order to help you with your next strike.
In the Very Easy and Easy difficulties, the impact of the ball on the
ground during the exchanges is also marked earlier to help you.
During the game:
- Esc: Exit to previous menus.
- P: Pause - strike again P to return to the game.
- F1: Swap to the Replay mode;
In this mode, there are 9 different speeds, you have to press on the
keys from 1 to 9 to select them:
1 - Quick Rewind
2 - Rewind
3 - Slow Rewind
4 - Slower Rewind
5 - Step by Step
6 - Very Slow Motion
7 - Slow Motion
8 - Normal Speed
9 - Speed * 2
Home - Beginning of the Replay
End - End of the Replay
In Step by Step mode, '-' on the numerical keyboard do a rewind, and '+'
do a normal play.
With the Joystick, a push and a laxity:
to left: go to previous speed, if the 1 is currently on, goes to the
the beginning of the replay;
to right: go to next speed, if th 9 is currently on, goes to the end of
the replay;
In Step by Step mode:
Button 1: advance of 1 image;
Button 2: move back of 1 image;
To leave the Replay, push on both buttons at the same time, or on
the Escape key.
- F2: to change of side at the end of a point.
- F3: to display the service speed in Kmh or in Mph.
- F5: to display player 1's statistics.
- F6: to display player 2's statistics.
- F7: to display player 3's statistics.
- F8: to display player 4's statistics.
- F9: to adjust the graphic detail level:
.low: the crowd applauds
.medium: the R in the replay appears, the judges are animated
.high: the crowd turns the head to follow the ball
Characteristics' Influence:
- Fore Hand, Back Hand, Fore Volley, Back Volley and Smash:
.the highest the percentage is, the strongest the player strikes
- Service: Success Max Speed (also in Mph/h in the game)
0% => b1: 50% 150 Km/h
b2: 100% 120 Km/h
b1+b2: 25% 190 Km/h
25% => b1: 100% 150 Km/h
b2: 100% 126 Km/h
b1+b2: 25% 190 Km/h
50% => b1: 100% 175 Km/h
b2: 100% 132 Km/h
b1+b2: 25% 190 Km/h
75% => b1: 100% 175 Km/h
b2: 100% 138 Km/h
b1+b2: 75% 190 Km/h
100% => b1: 100% 175 Km/h
b2: 100% 145 Km/h
b1+b2: 75% 215 Km/h
- The higher the percentage of "Form" is,
. the faster the player will run
. the faster the player will start running
. the further the player will jump at the volley
The player will be able to do:
Form: from 0% to 20% => 2 acc
21% to 41% => 3 acc
42% to 62% => 4 acc
63% to 83% => 5 acc
84% to 100% => 6 acc
"acc" represents the accelerations + fighting lobs
- Player's style:
.Defender: can do as many fighting lobs as he wants
and has 1 extra accelaration
.Puncher: has 2 extra accelerations
.Varied: has 1 extra acceleration and do medium jumps at the volley
.Volleyer: do big jumps at the volley
- Skill:
.for human players:
all: sees all ball impacts before the ball hits the ground
service: sees ball impacts before the ball hist the ground at
the service.
none: doesn't see any ball impacts early
.for CPU players: rules the overall computer force
Statistics screen:
This screen shows the player's strike strength, and the number
of striked balls, the number of inside balls, and the player's success
percentage; we can also see the number of aces, the number of double faults,
and the running distance.
The player's rank only appears in a tournament. The strength
percentage at the right of "Second Service" indicates the player's form
If you access to this screen during a warm-up/training or a match, the
statistics displayed concern only the current party; if you access it via the
player menu, the statistics concern the whole player career.
During a double, player n°1 will team up with player n°3, and player
n°2 will team up with player n°4. You should thus define four players before
you start a game otherwise the computer will pick up the default ones.
- World Tour
- Play 95 tournaments
- Meet the 250 world best players
- Be ranked
- Normal
- Play on clay, grass, cement, synthetic, indoor
- Change player's profile
- Play with your modem, or using your local network
- And so on....
* 4. Keys & Known problems *
Default keys:
- keyboard 1:
up: arrow up or '8'
down: down or '2'
left: left or '4'
right: right or '6'
button 1: 'Left Alt'
button 2: 'Left Ctrl'
- keyboard 2:
up: 'I'
down: 'K'
left: 'J'
right: 'L'
button 1: Tab
button 2: Caps Lock
Known problems:
- With a Flystick Pro from CH Products, you can push on 2 buttons at the same
time; so push the hat to left to have the good effect;
- To check your Joystick, launch 'JOY.EXE'; hit a key to exit;
- The animation may be very bad on a PC without a VLB or PCI card: it is
possible that the game runs with less frames or even worse (normally, it
runs at 60 frames per second); the CPU power is secondary, the CPU time
used is almost the same on a 486dx33 and a 486dx2-66;
- If you encounter display problems on your video card, launch UNIVBE.EXE or
UNIVESA.EXE before you launch TENNIS.EXE;
- If the quality of the game seems to be poor, try to change the detail level
pushing on F9, and verify that the video card frequency in 640*480 is 60 hz.
- When you end a match, to go back to the main menu, press ESC.
If you install Tennis Elbow on your hard drive and then launch the game while
you have an audio CD in the CDROM drive, TENNIS ELBOW will play this audio CD
instead of the game music. To modify this, you should read "DATA\cdtracks.txt"
* 5. Conclusion *
- Code, Design, Sound: Manu TOO.
- Graphisms: Eric Rivoire.
- Testers: Manu TOO, GoldenFeet, Adzaze.
- Sleeves and Manual: Estelle, Yannick & Jef, LRSM.
Thanks to:
- Zork / The Ultimates: for his help about programmation.
- Skill / Lego System: for his help about zoom in generated code.
- Franck Pouilly / Sysop de Nexus One BBS: for his encouragements, and the
files founded on his BBS.
Hello to:
- Pollux / Lego System
- Gandalf / Infiny
- Blaise Gassend
- Fred Pesh / IO Design
- Scarfman / Real Time
- GoldenFeet
- Floppy / AD
- Puznik / ToadStood
Now you know everything, so let's play!
Have fun!
Manu TOO & GOTO Informatique
May 1997
Web site: http://www.tenniselbow.com
Hey ! What about the Cheat Codes ???
Ok, ok, but use them wisely!
Find yourself how and when to enter them....
mtkil => win the match
mtwin => win the current set
mtbal => increase the ball size
mtrun => run faster
'²' + Right Shift + '-' at the same time => win all points
Ctrl + Alt + Del => stop win all points
To contact the authors:
Emmanuel RIVOIRE Emmanuel RIVOIRE
Eric RIVOIRE 37, rue Dérichbourg
10 rue J-J Rousseau or 94 550 Chevilly Larue
26 000 Valence FRANCE
Email: Internet: manutoo@imaginet.fr
Fidonet: 2:320/305.6
SparkNet: 74:320/300.6
GOTO Informatique
Château de la Bonnerie
111 rue de Croix
59510 Hem
Tel: +33 3 (0)3 20 66 55 00
Fax: +33 3 (0)3 20 66 55 09
Email: contact@goto.fr
Hotline: hotline@goto.fr (for your technical problems)
For International distribution, please email to Mrs Delahaye at chd@goto.fr.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - (c) GOTO Informatique 1997
No illegal diffusion of the Shareware or Complete Version of this software is
permitted. Restrictions apply for distributing both versions. Please contact
GOTO at +33 3 20 66 55 00 or by email at chd@goto.fr to have information
regarding distribution rights.